
Detail Dosen

Detail Dosen

Riwayat Pendidikan
  • 1, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, S.Pd, 1995, S1
  • 2, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, M.Pd, 2003, S2
  • 3, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Dr, 2009, S3
Riwayat Mengajar

Berikut merupakan 10 riwayat mengajar terakhir:

  • 1, Genap 2021, SE896, KAJIAN MANDIRI PEDAGOGIK IPA, J, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 2, Genap 2021, KI329, PERENCANAAN PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA, D, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 3, Antara 2021, KI327, EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 4, Antara 2021, KI327, EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 5, Ganjil 2022, PS702, FILSAFAT ILMU, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 6, Ganjil 2022, KI327, EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 7, Ganjil 2022, KI327, EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 8, Ganjil 2022, KI501, SIMULASI PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA, D, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 9, Ganjil 2022, PS806, KAJIAN LAPANGAN, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 10, Ganjil 2022, PS702, FILSAFAT ILMU, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
No Artikel tahun
1 Students' decision making in science reasoning cognitive domain of TIMSS 2022
2 A Development of project-based learning (PBL) chemistry worksheet to form students' habits of mind 2020
3 Evaluation of chemical literacy assessment instruments in solution materials 2020
4 Identification of student's misconceptions in chemical bonding topic using four-tier diagnostic test 2020
5 Profile of misconception in senior high school students on the concept of acid-base strength 2020
6 Implementation of formative assessment portfolio check with feedback to improve mastery of concept and habits of mind students on acid-base material 2019
7 Analysis of the need to development an authentic assessment instrument on buffer material 2019
8 Development of computer based two-tier multiple choice diagnostic test to identify misconceptions on chemical bonding 2019
9 An investigation of reasoning ability at the secondary level students 2019
10 Development and validation of reasoning-based multiple choice test for measuring the mastery of chemistry 2018
11 Investigating formative assessment strategy to chemistry habits of mind (CHOM) of buffer solution concept in learning chemistry 2017
12 The development of authentic assessment in measuring critical thinking and student performance in thermochemistry material 2017
13 Development virtual test of reaction rate based visual perceptual skills to measure students' mastery concept 2017
14 Performance assessment instrument to assess the senior high students' psychomotor for the salt hydrolysis material 2016
15 Analysis of students’ decision making to solve science reasoning test of trends in international mathematics and science study (Timss) 2015
16 Effect of feedback in formative assessment in the student learning activities on chemical course to the formation of habits of mind 2015
17 Pengembangan dan Analisis Tes Kimia Berbasis Open Endid Problem untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Berfikir Kreatif Siswa 2015
18 Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Lingkungan Hidup Berbasis Konteks Berpendekatan Education for Sustainable Development dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Penguasaan Konsep dan Sikap Siswa 2014
19 Pengembangan Tes Diagnostik Two Tier dan Manfaatnya dalam Mengukur Konsepsi Kimia Siswa SMA 2014
20 Berbasis Kelas untuk Mengukur Keterampilan Berfikir Kritis siswa pada Pembelajaran Kimia Menggunakan Model Contextual Teaching and Learning 2014
21 Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Lingkungan Hidup Berbasis Konteks Berpendekatan Education for Sustainable Development dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Peng... 2014
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