
Detail Dosen

Detail Dosen

Riwayat Pendidikan
  • 1, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, S.Pd, 1992, S1
  • 2, Institut Pertanian Bogor, M.Si, 1999, S2
  • 3, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Dr, 2015, S3
Riwayat Mengajar

Berikut merupakan 10 riwayat mengajar terakhir:

  • 1, Genap 2021, DK303, KURIKULUM DAN PEMBELAJARAN, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 2, Genap 2021, BG503, LITERASY ICT DAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN TIK, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 3, Genap 2021, BG507, PRAKTEK INDUSTRI PATISERI, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 4, Antara 2021, BG405, SENI KULINER, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 5, Antara 2021, BG505, PERENCANAAN PEMBELAJARAN TATA BOGA, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 6, Ganjil 2022, BG405, SENI KULINER, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 7, Ganjil 2022, BG206, PASTRY, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 8, Ganjil 2022, BG405, SENI KULINER, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 9, Ganjil 2022, BG403, CIPTA KARYA BOGA, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 10, Ganjil 2022, KJ713, DESAIN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
No Artikel tahun
1 Developing Preservice Chemistry Teachers’ Engagement with Sustainability Education through an Online, Project-Based Learning Summer Course Program 2022
2 Socio-critical and problem-oriented approach in environmental issues for students’ critical thinking skills development in chemistry learning 2022
4 Students’ Engagement in Education as Sustainability: Implementing an Ethical Dilemma-STEAM Teaching Model in Chemistry Learning 2022
5 Analysing students’ spatial abilities in chemistry learning using 3d virtual representation 2021
6 The effectiveness and learning outcomes of mobile learning integrated with ethnopedagogy on metacognitive ability of students in North Tapanuli 2021
7 Dancing is Thinking for Children: Working Memory, Inhibition, and Mental Flexibility 2021
8 An analysis of chemistry student's laboratory jargon in acid-base material using a 3E learning cycle 2021
9 Dilemma teaching pedagogy for students' soft skills development in chemistry using dilemma stories learning of polymer topic 2021
10 Validating an indonesian version of the what is happening in this class? (wihic) questionnaire using a multidimensional rasch model 2021
11 Developing the critical thinking skills of vocational school students in electrochemistry through STEM - Project-based learning (STEM-PjBL) 2021
12 The integration of STEAM-project-based learning to train students critical thinking skills in science learning through electrical bell project 2021
13 Developing students' attitudes towards chemistry learning through culturally responsive transformative teaching (CRTT) 2021
14 Student empowerment in a constructivist values learning environment for a healthy and sustainable world 2021
15 The integration of dilemmas stories with stem-project-based learning: Analyzing students’ thinking skills using hess’ cognitive rigor matrix 2021
16 Developing elementary school students' scientific literacy through the integration of ethnopedagogy 2021
17 Integration dilemmas stories in STEAM project of colloid 2021
18 An analysis of the factors involved in providing parental support for developing sport talent in early childhood 2021
19 Engaging university students in multidisciplinary, project-based learning through the Southeast Asia mobility (SAM) program 2021
20 The integration of culturally responsive transformative teaching to enhance student cultural identity in the chemistry classroom 2020
21 The integration of ethnopedagogy in science learning to improve student engagement and cultural awareness 2020
22 Improved learning design for pre-service teacher in a character education course 2020
23 The use of socio-critical and problem-oriented approach integrated with green chemistry to develop participant's 21 2020
24 Developing students' critical thinking: A steam project for chemistry learning 2020
25 Experimentation of Problem-Based Learning Model on Critical Thinking Ability in Learning Number Theory 2020
26 A Rasch and factor analysis of an Indonesian version of the Student Perception of Opportunity Competence Development (SPOCD) questionnaire 2020
27 Elementary school teacher's perspectives towards developing mathematics literacy through a STEAM-based approach to learning 2020
28 Analysis of students' alternative conceptions about electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions using a two-tier diagnostic test for chemistry teaching improvement 2020
29 Student engagement in science learning through the integration of ethnopedagogy in wastewater treatment project 2019
30 The development of chemistry students' 21 century skills through a STEAM project on electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions 2019
31 Chemistry students' identity empowerment through etnochemistry in culturally responsive transformative teaching (CRTT) 2019
32 Analysis of students' mental model of salt hydrolysis concepts at Klaten, Central Java 2019
33 Improved learning designs for shaping indonesia's future science teachers applied in a nanoscience project 2019
34 Chemistry students' soft skills development through the integration of Think Pair Square (TPSq) using a socio critical and problem oriented approach in acid-based learning 2019
35 Developing critical and creative thinking skills through STEAM integration in chemistry learning 2019
36 Response Analysis of Students with Intellectual Disability in Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Learning 2019
37 Chemistry students' cognitive structures in oxidation-reduction, through an 8E learning cycle 2019
38 A culturally responsive teaching approach and ethnochemistry integration of Tegal culture for developing chemistry students' critical thinking skills in acid-based learning 2019
39 Using a makerspace approach to engage Indonesian primary students with STEM 2018
40 “The fish becomes aware of the water in which it swims”: revealing the power of culture in shaping teaching identity 2018
41 Transnational examination of STEM education 2018
42 Empowering students' chemistry learning: The integration of ethnochemistry in culturally responsive teaching 2017
43 Integrated moral values in standard-based assessment: Opportunities and challenges of computer-based test in Indonesian national assessment 2017
44 Should we learn culture in chemistry classroom? Integration ethnochemistry in culturally responsive teaching 2017
45 Developing 21st century skills in chemistry classrooms: Opportunities and challenges of STEAM integration 2017
46 Fieldwork, co-teaching and co-generative dialogue in lower secondary school environmental science 2016
47 Teacher–student dialogue: transforming teacher interpersonal behaviour and pedagogical praxis through co-teaching and co-generative dialogue 2015
48 Moments of critical realisation and appreciation: a transformative chemistry teacher reflects 2015
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