
Detail Dosen

Detail Dosen

Riwayat Pendidikan
  • 1, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, S.Pd, 1999, S1
  • 2, Institut Teknologi Bandung, M.Si, 2005, S2
  • 3, Wageningen University, Dr, 2015, S3
Riwayat Mengajar

Berikut merupakan 10 riwayat mengajar terakhir:

  • 1, Ganjil 2022, KI514, KIMIA BAHAN PANGAN, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 2, Ganjil 2022, KI735, KAJIAN RISET KIMIA HAYATI, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 3, Ganjil 2022, KI713, KAPITA SELEKTA KIMIA ORGANIK, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 4, Ganjil 2022, KI415, PRAKTIKUM KIMIA ORGANIK 2, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 5, Ganjil 2022, KI317, KIMIA BAHAN ALAM, B, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 6, Ganjil 2022, KI531, SEMINAR KIMIA MAKANAN, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 7, Ganjil 2022, KI713, KAPITA SELEKTA KIMIA ORGANIK, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 8, Ganjil 2022, KI311, STRUKTUR DAN KEREAKTIFAN SENYAWA ORGANIK POLIFUNGSI, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 9, Ganjil 2022, KI513, EVALUASI SENSORI PANGAN, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • 10, Ganjil 2022, KI504, PENENTUAN STRUKTUR SENYAWA ORGANIK DAN ANORGANIK, A, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
No Artikel tahun
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2 Analysis of the effect of the lecturer satisfaction with the Naive Bayes Data Mining technique on institutional performance 2021
3 The implementation of two stages clustering (k-means clustering and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system) for prediction of medicine need based on medical data 2018
4 File Cryptography with AES and RSA for Mobile Based on Android 2018
5 SMS Security System on Mobile Devices Using Tiny Encryption Algorithm 2018
6 Extraction of ECG signal with adaptive filter for hearth abnormalities detection 2018
7 Optimization of training backpropagation algorithm using nguyen widrow for angina ludwig diagnosis 2018
8 Smart home design for electronic devices monitoring based wireless gateway network using cisco packet tracer 2018
9 Comparison Searching Process of Linear, Binary and Interpolation Algorithm 2017
10 Variation in accumulation of isoflavonoids in Phaseoleae seedlings elicited by Rhizopus 2016
11 Compositional changes in (iso)flavonoids and estrogenic activity of three edible Lupinus species by germination and Rhizopus-elicitation 2016
12 Modification of Prenylated Stilbenoids in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Seedlings by the Same Fungi That Elicited Them: The Fungus Strikes Back 2015
13 Two new ketonic resveratrol tetramers from shorea platyclados 2014
14 Modulation of isoflavonoid composition of Rhizopus oryzae elicited soybean (Glycine max) seedlings by light and wounding 2013
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